[Video] Memorycube-LCC degree show (2009)

This is my first 'narrative film' with a bit of surrealistic touch.
The story tells about human memory (that is easily distorted by
unconciousness or hidden desire)and its storage process.
The cube image came from sugar cubes and developed to the idea of
memorcycube that is to be put in a cup of coffee when someone wants
to bring back a memory-however the memory is in fact
not exactly true as the cube has been transformed over and
over again during storage.
Original size: 1920 x 1080 pixel (HDTV)

Memorycube from hye won lee on Vimeo.

[Video] Bodyflash-LCC degree show (2009)

Based on the project "Make sound visible". Bodyflash
rather forcused on the beat/rythm of music than melody.
The idea of creating flashing movement as a representation
of flickering sound beats later developed to mix both light
flashing and body movements under their similarities.
The animation finally came out as the 3rd unfamiliar images
created by synchronization of two movements between
body mixture and light flashing.
Original size: 1920 x 1080 pixel (HDTV)

bodyflash from hye won lee on Vimeo.